[Component shape image] For a quick price estimate, please use our Instant Estimate.

Fill out the form below to send us dimensions. Please measure carefully, from corner to corner as these measurements will determine the fit of your bag or cover. We add to your dimensions for the perfect fit.

We will contact you within two working days with order and shipping information.

Item To Be Protected

(i.e., 1x12", 2x12", 4x10")
If you know the link to the manufacturer's web page for your particular gear, please provide it in the space below. This is optional, but it will help ensure the best possible fit.

Contact Information

Email   Phone

* Indicates a required field.

Cabinet Measurements

Click here for measuring tips.

Inches (to nearest eighth inch)
Outside Dimensions
(be sure to include corner protectors)
Height - not including feet
Top Depth
Bottom Depth
Feet Height

* Indicates a required field.

[Diagram of sloped cabinet component]

Handle Measurements

Top Handle Measurements

Has top handles: NO YES

Top Handle to Back
Top Handle Depth
Top Handle Width
Side Handle Measurements

Has side handles: NO YES

Side Handle to Top
Side Handle to Back
Side Handle Height
Side Handle Depth

Facing my cabinet, there is only one handle on the:

Right Side Only   Left Side Only
[Diagram of sloped top handle dimensions]
[Diagram of sloped side handle dimensions]

Request Templates

[Diagram of two top strap handles]
[Diagram of two side recessed handles]
[Diagram of casters on the bottom]
[Diagram of tilt back handles on the bottom]

[Handle measurement guidelines image]

What People Are Saying
The slip arrived today, and fits good. Not too tight, not too loose. Just right. Good job.
Robert R., Denver CO
The covers for my Cornfords came today and they are perfect!Snuggly fit and perfect look. Thanx again!
Per Erik, NORWAY
I received the gig bag and it fits and works perfect. Thought you?d like to know! Thanks again for the professional work,
Judy Ann C., Sequim, WA
Thank you all so much for walking me through the order process. It was a pleasure working with you. I received the slip cover for my 3rd Power Dream Solo 4 combo amp, today. It far exceeds my expectations! The pocket on the back is huge, the double zipper is a nice surprise. I will use y'all again, should the need for a cover arise.
Mark W., Garden City MI
Cover arrived today. VERY IMPRESSIVE. Sound construction. Not a loose thread showing. Fits beautifully. Looks great! Worth every penny. Thank you so much..
Kenneth H., Salem OR