[Component shape image] For a quick price estimate, please use our Instant Estimate.

Fill out the form below to send us dimensions. Please measure carefully, from corner to corner as these measurements will determine the fit of your bag or cover. We add to your dimensions for the perfect fit.

We will contact you within two working days with order and shipping information.

Item To Be Protected

Head Cabinet Combo Other
(please describe in Comments box below)
(i.e., 1x12", 2x12", 4x10")
If you know the link to the manufacturer's web page for your particular gear, please provide it in the space below. This is optional, but it will help ensure the best possible fit.

Contact Information

Email   Phone

* Indicates a required field.

Board Measurements

Click here for measuring tips.

Inches (to nearest eighth inch)
Outside Dimensions
(be sure to include corner protectors)
Front Height
Back Height

* Indicates a required field.

[Diagram of sloped board component]

What People Are Saying
Perfect Susan! Like a glove!
John K., Netherlands
Received the gig bag... fantastic! Great craftsmanship and fits like a glove. Can't wait for the next gig to fully try it out 🙂
Vincent D., Jersey City, NJ
Dear Susan, My Mesa Boogie DC-5 Head cover arrived today. I have to say the fit and the workmanship are spot on. I'm very pleased, and would not hesitate to deal with Studio Slips again. There is nothing quite like your covers available in the U.K. Well worth the wait and shipping costs. Best regards,
Pete A (England, U.K.)
...I would like to add a VERY positive endorsement as a new customer concerning the quality, look, feel and outstanding value of your products!
Tom Hyer, Canterbury, CT
Just wanted to let you know that I received the cover for my Blackstar HT-1R and it fits perfectly. Goes on easily, not too loose not too tight, handle opening fits exact. Thank for the great work and service.
Eric C., Wilmington, DE