What People Are Saying
“I received my studio slips and everything fit perfectly! These are the best covers I have ever used for my gear. Now I won't have to worry about my Morgan RCA35 Head and Cab getting banged around in transport.
Thanks again!! ”
“The covers fit perfectly and look great.
Thanks for the excellent service & product. ”
“Thanks for making perfect fitting clamshell cases for my 60's Fender and Silvertone amps! I'll be taking these amps on the road over the next few weeks touring with Brett Harris on these upcoming tour dates and they'll make appearances in the house band of a popular weekly Flash Chorus event in Durham NC in the fall (among many other endeavors). I'll be directing friends your way for sure. ”
“I received my dust cover today and was shocked. I was expecting a generic cover... It is very nice and strong with good looks. Makes the price not seem as high as when I ordered it. Only thing is it makes my other amp covers look like junk. Wish I knew about yours when I bought them. ”
“I received my Studio Slips yesterday and they are exceptional, especially the Clam Shell. They are very well made, a great fit, look great and look to have years of use in them. I shall certainly be placing further orders when the need arises. ”